Ted Cruz has taken a lot of heat in the past week for committing what many are considering a “dirty trick” by telling Ben Carson supporters that their candidate was dropping out of the race. The insinuations have but the Texas Senator on defense for much of the week leading up to New Hampshire, and CNN is leading the charge. All this week they’ve said on air, tweeted, and published stories calling Ted Cruz a liar for suggesting he got the idea that Carson was dropping out from CNN.
Make no mistake, someone is lying here, and its CNN.
On a Twitter account with 23 million followers, CNN told the world that Carson “plans to take a break from campaigning after Iowa.”
On a Twitter account with just 31,000 followers, CNN’s Chris Moody clarified that Carson was not dropping out.
Again, I ask you: Why didn’t CNN use its powerful broadcast center or massive Twitter presence to tell its viewers the full story — to tell viewers Carson was not dropping out?
What’s especially laughable is that CNN is using Moody’s tweets as an ass-covering defense — an account with only 31,000 followers!
But that’s all CNN has, and the dishonesty of that defense and the cover-up of CNN’s own culpability in this scandal hit the red-zone Saturday night.
During that night’s debate, when asked about the scandal, everything Cruz said was 100% accurate. Word-for-word, here’s a transcript:
“Let me tell you the facts of what occurred for those who are interested in knowing: On Monday night at about 6:30 p.m., CNN reported that Ben was not going from Iowa to New Hampshire or South Carolina. Rather, he was quote taking a break from campaigning. They reported that he was taking a break from campaigning. They reported that on television, CNN’s political anchors Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer said it was highly unusual and highly significant. My political team saw CNN’s report — breaking news — and they forwarded that news to our volunteers, it was being covered on live television. Now at the time I was at the caucuses, I was getting ready to speak at the caucuses…I knew nothing about this…I reached [Carson] the next day and apologized. He asked me then, he said, Ted, would you make this apology in public? I said yes, I will, and I did so. I regret that subsequently, CNN reported on that — they didn’t correct that story until 9:15 that night. So from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15, that’s what CNN was reporting. Subsequent to that initial report, Ben’s campaign put out a statement saying that he wasn’t suspending his campaign. I wish that my campaign had seen that statement.”
Although Cruz spoke only the truth, after the debate, CNN’s “fact-checker” Tom Foreman and anchor Erin Burnett outright lied about what Cruz said:
Erin Burnett: “What Ted Cruz says here is completely false.”
Not only is CNN being incredibly childish, but their fact-free smear of Ted Cruz is yet another example of the media’s intense bias against conservative politicians. Check out the videos below for further proof.
Source: Breitbart
Well whomever is the Republican we hope they are for the American People not the foreigners who are getting our hard earned money. I’m sick of it go home fight for your own country because if you won’t fight for them you won’t fight to defend us. We don’t need that kind of people here!
So what’s your objection is that you have to have a background check if you’re buying an assault weapon is that what you’re saying
Hows a one term senator with a degree in law going to fix the economy?
Cruz is a slime ball and so is Glenn and Mark Levin
He did not lie. You people actually have to watch the news and not rely on these fakes sites for knowledge. Fact check multiple sources please.