Cont. from the previous page
Lemon and his panel of leftist nutjobs engaged in a childish gossip fest yesterday where they giggled and pointed fingers at the President like little school girls at their first slumber party. Here are the highlights you need to know.
Don Lemon thinks President Trump is obsessed with Barack Obama’s CLASS. He knows he most certainly is! That is our word from the previous page – CLASS!
Furthermore, according to Lemon, President Trump only opposes ‘Obamacare’ out of racism. Yes, we can no longer disagree with someone else’s (leftist…) government policies without being labeled racists. Does Don Lemon just hate the border wall because President Trump is white?!
Again, all of this is completely serious. These are the standards (or lack thereof) enforced over at CNN. People like Lemon are held up as role models and sane INTELLIGENT individuals. When in all reality, there are biased petty little children obsessed with themselves.
Here is the video. Scroll down to view transcripts from this CNN panel hosted by Don Lemon.
Don Lemon thinks President Trump is jealous of President Obama. Which would also imply one is a sociopathic puppet deliberate aiming to make the U.S. look weak and destroy our country… But, liberals probably wouldn’t pick up on that.
“You cannot buy, no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy class. President Obama, whatever you think of his politics, is a very classy man. He’s a smart man. He’s one of the kindest people you want to meet, he and his wife are,” Lemon said. “I’m not talking about politics, having met them and knowing them, you can’t teach that. I think that’s something the president is jealous about. He doesn’t have those qualities.”
Classy, classy?
Like these picture of the beautiful Michelle scratching an itch?
Now, I don’t really care if Michelle Obama wants to grab her crotch in public nor that this is the type of person former President Obama was attracted to and found desirable as a partner. That is nobody’s business. However, it does weaken CNN anchor Don Lemon’s point that the Obama’s were the classiest individuals he’s ever met.
Furthermore, President Trump has very good reason to rollback Obama era programs. They were destructive to America! That doesn’t make him a racist or obsessed, just a good man who loves his country!
Who would want to be Obama??
Thank God President Trump is nothing like his predecessor and working hard to take our country back!
What a joke
Don Lemon is a racist and an opportunist. Just trying to make a name for himself at any cost. He could care less about other people of color unless he has something to gain. I remember when he was in Ferguson and was attempting to convince the audience and and himself that he felt comfortable around (believe it was the “Bloods”) interviewing gang members. It was obvious that he was out of his element because he was not interviewing “snowflakes”. He was scared the whole time he tried to interview them. I also remember when he had Morgan Freeman on his show and attempted to get Morgan to play the “Poor Black Man” by giving answers that would blame the “white man” for everything. Morgan answered to the opposite of what Don Lemon was wanting to hear for himself and his audience. He is a waste as a newsman, but of course he works for CNN.
I didn’t vote for President Obama, not because of his racial background, but because he struck me as one of the most arrogant, narcissistic people I have ever seen. Anytime he spoke he had this aura about him of looking down on us common people, as if we were way beneath him. President Trump may be rough around the edges, and perhaps speaks a little harshly for some people, but he sure knows how to get things done, and is doing it for the American people, not to give his ego a boost like his predicessor.