The media got caught in a lie — but they’re not giving up. Instead, they’re doubling down.
Donald Trump’s March 4th tweet accusing Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower set off a firestorm of controversy and investigations. While initial reports seemed to indicate that Trump got it wrong, recent developments have proved that high-level Obama officials were actively involved in the surveillance scheme.
Some outlets, like Fox News, have backed away from their earlier reports indicating that Trump lied. But others, like CNN, are refusing to admit defeat. Earlier this week, Don Lemon claimed he wouldn’t “aid and abet” the right by pushing the Susan Rice “diversion.” He also claimed that reporting on the story was an insult to his audiences’ intelligence.
And he’s not the only CNN anchor trying to force the media’s false narrative.
Watch as Chris Cuomo pits ‘Trump’s words” versus that of the network on the next page:
CNN more lies… nothing new
cnn you all suck
LOL! It suggests that dirty dems were going on a witch hunt to find something anything to bring down this admin.. We are not that stupid you aren’t dealing with dirty dems who are easily fooled and led.
LOL stupid sure can be funny AF sometimes. LOLOLOLOL
DO SNAKES HAVE HIPS? If you are reading this comment, I have been able to do exactly what the mainstream media tries to do with every headline. For a brief moment I have captured your attention, and caused your brain to search your memory for what you believe to be true about snakes. If you were to hear the same question from “reliable” news sources or from people that you trust, or if the question was changed to an absolute statement, it is highly likely that your personal truth about snakes will include snakes having hips. That is the simple psychology of brainwashing. So, always ask yourself “who said so, and what was the reason for saying it”?
This man is a complete$#%&!@* Anything the liberals is ok with him, but a conservative can’t wipe his$#%&!@*without being demonized!! Jerk!!
Cabled News Nitwits.
Back when America had BALL’S all of they’re Treasonous, Tyranny Head’s would have been Up against The Wall Military service style with they’re Head’s Blown off.
That’s not Un-American that’s All American.