Liberal establishment dogma states that it is impossible for a black person to be a conservative without betraying his race. That’s a bold statement, but try to find a liberal politician who has any praise for Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell. Ask those who identify as liberal in which public offices they would accept either of those two men.
Not whether liberals would vote for them. Nobody expects liberals to vote for conservatives or the other way around. What we want to know is what offices they could occupy in which they would get the support of the liberal community.
It’s not like these two men are not brilliant, they are. And they both certainly have impeccable academic credentials. They have a terrific message for all of us, including our African-America friends. And that’s the problem.
The Democratic Party must have the black vote to elect its candidates. Dr. Williams and Dr. Sowell are therefore threats, since if they and other blacks like them achieve widespread acceptance within the black community, crucial support will be drained from the liberal base. And that cannot be tolerated by the Democratic Party. So they must work to quarantine conservative African-Americans.
More on page two.
Sheriff Clarke is a badass leader.
Fck the lazy people who don’t wanna take the new presidency
If Clarke is a terrorist then what does that make obama
When I look at him I don’t see a black man I see a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. #RESPECTSHERIFFCLARK
That’s a sexist statement.
CNN and others see law enforcement as the enemy. Because they media peeps are criminals.
I thought we Americans had freedom of speech, but apparently not — at least not where ” protected icons” are concerned. If she does have serious health issues, we should have been made aware of them BEFORE the election. Of course, now that we no longer have to worry about her getting HER hand on the nuclear button, this two-time presidential candidate loser is out of our hair forever. However, we must now concern ourselves with the next generation of killertons, namely killery’s daughter or son-in-law. We were smart enough to wake up in time — THIS TIME. Now the demoRATS are considering putting a far-left moooslim in a position of real power in the demoRAT party. Our work has just begun, America. We don’t DARE fall asleep behind the wheel again!!!
You see the same thing I see, Mile Plummer; I wish the eyesight of more Americans were as good a ours!!
An alternate world created from their collective Socialistic pathological psychosis.
The Liberals’ world has been turned upside down for eight years because a psychotic narcissistic multi-billionaire globalist was pulling the strings – Soros. Obama and Hillary were his generals in his war against Americans. We just turned the Liberals’ world right side up again. It will take a while for their equilibrium to stabilize.