Liberal establishment dogma states that it is impossible for a black person to be a conservative without betraying his race. That’s a bold statement, but try to find a liberal politician who has any praise for Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell. Ask those who identify as liberal in which public offices they would accept either of those two men.
Not whether liberals would vote for them. Nobody expects liberals to vote for conservatives or the other way around. What we want to know is what offices they could occupy in which they would get the support of the liberal community.
It’s not like these two men are not brilliant, they are. And they both certainly have impeccable academic credentials. They have a terrific message for all of us, including our African-America friends. And that’s the problem.
The Democratic Party must have the black vote to elect its candidates. Dr. Williams and Dr. Sowell are therefore threats, since if they and other blacks like them achieve widespread acceptance within the black community, crucial support will be drained from the liberal base. And that cannot be tolerated by the Democratic Party. So they must work to quarantine conservative African-Americans.
More on page two.
Again with CNN
cnn is a group of terrorists that wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face…. Sheriff Clark is a patriot and a truth teller he and Sheriff Joe should be hire to work together to help save our country. they are both awesome men
She’s a terrorist working for crooked news people so shut up Angela
CNN is the terrorist with broadcasting their lies and propaganda.
CNN is nuts!
CNN are terrorist BOYCOTT CNN.
Go Sheriff Clark!
I voted for Obama the first time because I was tired of the corruption of the Grand Old Party and wanted change. Just like all the other poor saps that where ignorant of the depth of all the Corruption , I woke up quick and started researching . Needless to say I am a raging conspiracy theorist that thanks to wiki leaks and other people like me, we the tin foil hat information junkies, have been vindicated. I would like to see the day we can all get to the point we do not need to put a leader in charge of our lives or a State to govern our every move However, it will not happen in my life time. My goal is to help pave the way for future generations to have that experience. We can all take a good look at ourselves and come up with what kind of legacy we want to leave our children. What will your legacy be? I want less and less government. I want more and more freedom. I want every body to succeed at improving their lives especially if it helps others to do the same. I want Peace not war especially if it is for no other reason other than make already rich tyrants richer. I want all children to learn how to live with confidence in this world that they will not be abused or tortured or starve to death. I want a society that is cooperative in teaching healthy sustainability for the Earth and the human race. That is not why I voted for Trump it is what I see the possibility of because … people are waking Up. We can not do any of this if we keep letting the Corrupt system rule over us. Term limits and pay caps are a start.
No one pay attention to CNN anymore. The biggest liar network