According to a recent CNN commentary, the new spending bill passed by Congress that funds the government though Sept. 2015 will cause Wall Street to dictate the action of Congress – once again – due to the repeal of a banking regulation provision passed under the Dodd-Frank law, which was passed after the economic meltdown of 2008.
The commentary states that when Republicans take over Congress in January, they will “relentlessly attack” the financial regulations that currently prevent banks from receiving bailouts, and therefore will end up “putting the economy and taxpayers at risk.”
So, CNN pre-blaming the Republican party for the bank bailouts that are sure occur again, financed courtesy of Joe Taxpayer.
More cnn bs
CNN Communist News Network— liberal retards.
Libertarianism is what America was founded on, and it’s what we need now.
Idiots, if u believe this you are a moron, due your research with an open mind. Dem’s still blame Bush. WTF?
What a dumb commentary, Democrats put our country about 8 Trillion in deficits for bailing out Green energy and other foreign countries.
I need a bail out, no? Well then nobody can have one
AND we are suppose to believe you CNN, WHY
That debt is from 2 unpaid for wars and medicare D which was not paid for either all of this was done on a credit card, this dem president as well as clinton are the ones who brought the deficit down, the republicans like to talk a big game about small government but history always proves them wrong, and all this is easily checked on the web, and by the way, those loans made to renewable energy are making a profit for the fed gov.
Well the dems had 2 years to fix what THEY broke. No bail outs, reduce the over regulation and begin to break them up as in the days of old when they did work.
I believe in something that would help our housing problems. changing our rules and allow smaller livable homes to be built. Get rid of the regulations that prevent it from happening.