According to a recent CNN commentary, the new spending bill passed by Congress that funds the government though Sept. 2015 will cause Wall Street to dictate the action of Congress – once again – due to the repeal of a banking regulation provision passed under the Dodd-Frank law, which was passed after the economic meltdown of 2008.
The commentary states that when Republicans take over Congress in January, they will “relentlessly attack” the financial regulations that currently prevent banks from receiving bailouts, and therefore will end up “putting the economy and taxpayers at risk.”
So, CNN pre-blaming the Republican party for the bank bailouts that are sure occur again, financed courtesy of Joe Taxpayer.
That bill was for Obama to get his amnesty for immigrants ,
Now there’s an idea I haven’t seen. Draft the politicians, force them to serve 2 to 4 years? Maybe, but no reinlistment. Have to think about that one for a while. Thanks Ryan, for making me think.
Gary says:
“Get use to it Sally. The Democrats will really start now that the Republicans are a majority in Congress!”
We need term limits and a way to limit or make donations 100% transparent. I would prefer if the only buisnesses that can donate or buy a congressman would be ones in their state of representation.
Most get denied . They do as government says as many health care In force shots to put in you from government even if your well they punish you to wear a mask if you don’t take it or lose your job
democrat giveaways and unrealistic mortgages will cause another crash,caused by ignorant democrat party
You left picking on the right. You are the ones that put this country in the mss it’s in now. So zip your lips , I’m tired of hearing your lied.
Ok people, when are you going to realize both sides are corrupt and they all stick together, they are all part of the good old boys club.
Obama been bailing out the welfare system with our tax money and nothing has happened. But the middle class getting poorer
And the dems had nothing to do with the last bail out?