According to a recent CNN commentary, the new spending bill passed by Congress that funds the government though Sept. 2015 will cause Wall Street to dictate the action of Congress – once again – due to the repeal of a banking regulation provision passed under the Dodd-Frank law, which was passed after the economic meltdown of 2008.
The commentary states that when Republicans take over Congress in January, they will “relentlessly attack” the financial regulations that currently prevent banks from receiving bailouts, and therefore will end up “putting the economy and taxpayers at risk.”
So, CNN pre-blaming the Republican party for the bank bailouts that are sure occur again, financed courtesy of Joe Taxpayer.
Wall Street has been charge under Obama
More Demo Nut tactics !
Get use to it Sally. The Democrats will really start now that the Republicans are a majority in Congress!
Let Failure Fail !! *everyone repeat after me*
It is like gorging yourself with food, if it is NOT done in moderation it could prove to be very bad !!!
where are they getting the money from now to bailout banks
Yep&now insuring derivative bets. Billions of dollars was bad enough, but now it will B TRILLION’s!
Impeach Obama NOW!!
If Obuma happens to croke – It would help the Funeral home business a little
Stop funding all of Obama’s,trips,and vacations and defund a lot of,his insane projects the illegals,aliens funds to middle eastern countries that are none enemies of this country