Trump is insane, according to a CNN Op/Ed written by Jay Parini, who gives his own views on the tragic shooting in Oregon. Taking his marching orders from dear old Obama and politicizing Trump’s remarks, Parini demonstrates the preposterous notions found on the left that all guns can somehow be confiscated and no more shootings will occur.
What part of “bad guy” does Parini and the left not understand? Read more of Parini’s views on Trump’s position about guns on page 2.
Try it bitches
CNN nothing but a liberal mouth piece.
what a joke
I guess the LEFT should KNOW Insane since they have so MUCH of it!
You have a no constitutional right to take our guns. We have every right to own and carry firearms. Our military and police officers have sworn to protect Americans from enemies foreign and domestic. Take care lest you will become a domestic enemy.
If you try this whole country will come after you .you can’t help yourself you are taking yourself down
CNN should be shut down. Boycot all advertisers that market their products through CNN.
Communist Traitors run by Soros! CNN IS NOTHING BUT LYING PROPAGANDA!
Good luck with that dumb asses. There are over 100,000,000 guns in the hands of law abiding citizens and growing. Your problem in my state is that neither guns or gun owners are registered, and what about the guns handed down form father to son. You will never find them let alone confiscate/steal them. What fool you are.
… come and get them.