Trump is insane, according to a CNN Op/Ed written by Jay Parini, who gives his own views on the tragic shooting in Oregon. Taking his marching orders from dear old Obama and politicizing Trump’s remarks, Parini demonstrates the preposterous notions found on the left that all guns can somehow be confiscated and no more shootings will occur.
What part of “bad guy” does Parini and the left not understand? Read more of Parini’s views on Trump’s position about guns on page 2.
Come and try
CNN SUCKS ! CNN F**E NEWS ! CNN MEDIA IS HATED ALL OVER AMERICA ! BIAS, LYING, CNN MEDIA BOZOS, & THE BIAS, LYING, CNN MEDIA, “TALKING HEAD HACKS” ! WE HAVE LOST ALL TRUST IN LAME-STREAM CNN BIAS MEDIA ! Nobody watches, or listens to, the Bias, Lib-Tard, Media, or their Bias, Lib-Tard Media “Talking-Head-Hacks” ! We, “The Deplorables”, are aware of your CNN Bias, Lefty, Propaganda Garbage, & we will not support your CNN BIAS Media ! Hope you go broke, with nobody watching your Lying, slanted, Lib-Tard opinions ! That’s a Fact Jack ! LYING, BIAS, CNN F**E NEWS ! BOYCOTT CNN BIAS MEDIA, & THEIR BIAS HACKS ! SIGNED, “THE PROUD AMERICAN DEPLORABLES”
I hope Trumps administration puts CNN out of business. Or at least makes them label all their stories as opinions and f**e news.
Why would anyone listen to the Communist News Network?
Come try it
CNN employees are crazy they never report the truth they only bash trump they are a disgrace to TV they should be banned permanently from being on the air
Nobody with a brain in their head watches CNN anyway.
What part of * we do not give a$#%&!@*about your views* do you not understand??
Traitor CNN