Ben Carson asks CNN’s Jake Tapper if he would be, “Willing to advocate for someone who was not willing to put the Constitution before their (Islamic) religious beliefs (sic)? Probably not.”
Tapper then attempts to back Carson into a corner saying that the “Constitution itself has no religious test.”
Carson fires back that he has made it clear that, “…anybody, from any religion, any background…I told you what the criteria was…”
Tapper presses, attempting to trap Carson. Read more on page 2.
Man Jim you are lost
First of all, Dr. Carson walked out NOT cnn. Secondly, their “interview” was disreSpectful and immature bullying NOT an interview. Ben YOU ROCK!!!
You are right Carson and Don,t listen to those evil liberals
I’m so tired of these reporters focusing on social and non eccential issues. I’t like they are on Obama’s payroll to keep the people’s attention of petty issues and off the economy, world events, jobs, and a nost of other issues much more important than this c**p.
Ben Carson is 100% right. Impeach Obama.
How am I lost ? Politicians who run for president, have an obligation to answer legitimate questions posed by the media. Even the ones they don’t like. But now if they are asked tough questions, or questions take go against their talking points, they get butthurt and say the press is being unfair. I haven’t heard Hillary whining about the press being unfair, and she’s taken way tougher interview questions than Carson. What about Obama? He just throws it right back at the press when they try to stick it to him. I for one don’t want a president who can’t handle these kinds of situations without walking out. What’s he going to do in serious negotiations with other countries ? Walk out because their being mean to him ? This is the real world, not a grade school argument, you don’t get to just take your ball and go home. Your expected to play till the end of the game.
Did you watch the video? Carson didn’t end the interview or walk out.
Jim Schoeff you fascinate me. It’s amazing how different people see and hear different things. Wow. You talk about facts; but when someone is speaking, the facts include the context, the voice and body language, and the explanation given by the speaker. Some people listen to one sentence out of context and can’t hear or see anything else. Why is this a big deal and WHY did the interviewer even bring up the subject except that he was baiting Carson, hoping for a gotcha moment. I heard what Carson said but got a totally different meaning that you did. In the context, he was saying anyone who puts the Constitution first, no matter what their personal beliefs are would be alright with him. THEN he was asked specifically about a Muslim President and he said HE PERSONALLY is of the opinion that he could not endorse that candidate. He elaborated on that afterward referring to the “official” tenants of Islam, which includes Sharia law. I understood what he meant. The fact that others assume that Carson was assuming that all Muslims want sharia is stupid. He didn’t say that, but people are putting words in his mouth after the fact. Why don’t they accept what he himself SAYS he meant by it? We have no right to ASSUME anything, especially when he’s elaborated on it many times. How about we accept what HE says he believes instead of insisting that WE know better what goes on his head than he does. That’s absurd.. And besides, what difference does it make? There is no Muslim running! The media jumped on this and won’t let it go, His opinion about what sort of candidate he would vote for doesn’t matter to most people. What matters is what HE personally would do as president. Apparently, the media is afraid of that, so they pull the old bait and switch tactic. Get everyone’s attention on a non-issue and repeat over and over how bad the guy is so nobody will vote for him. The fact that the media is fighting so hard to find ANYTHING bad to say about Carson shows me two things: he must be a pretty good person if they have to resort to this to fabricate something to complain about; and secondly, they must be afraid that Americans will elect him.
did you even watch it? Carson didn’t say a word about stopping the interview AND he didn’t walk off. Stick to facts, people.
David Bray I’m a Christian who puts God’s law above others in my personal life. However, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the president vows to uphold it, when he takes office. If his religion keeps him from doing that, he shouldn’t be in that job. Our government was created so that no religion, Islam or any other, can come along and say the Constitution takes a back seat. NO religion comes first, when it comes to the President’s job. Defending the Constitution is his first allegience. If he refuses to do that, he should not be leader of the country that’s ruled by the Constitution. Having a president who acts in ways he was not granted by our Constitution has caused enough trouble in this country. We need to be sure we elect someone who will stick to the Constitution 100%. Basically, that is all Carson was trying to say; and most Americans agree with that sentiment.