Ben Carson asks CNN’s Jake Tapper if he would be, “Willing to advocate for someone who was not willing to put the Constitution before their (Islamic) religious beliefs (sic)? Probably not.”
Tapper then attempts to back Carson into a corner saying that the “Constitution itself has no religious test.”
Carson fires back that he has made it clear that, “…anybody, from any religion, any background…I told you what the criteria was…”
Tapper presses, attempting to trap Carson. Read more on page 2.
Jim Schoeff Jim Schoeff The questions don’t seem to bother Carson at all. He patiently answers them all with a smile. But I guess if he has a smile while talking, that is not (as you claim) a fact. Regardless. You focus on one sentence out of the millions he’s stated. You misunderstand that one sentence by choice. Whatever. Believe what you want to believe.
They act like they want another Muslim president and sharia law here in the U.S , I guess until it’s there head being chopped off, or until another 9/11 happens
I have no problem with whomever stopped the interview;but since you can’t see the person off camera, how do we know who it was? If it was the campaign manager, I say good for him. Carson would patiently subject himself to idiotic harassment indefinitely probably, because he is so gentle and patient. Glad to hear someone else stepped in to say enough is enough idiot.
Latest photo of Jake:
Glad he walked out on the liberal dung head
when I leave my house,,i can;t go either way for a mile till i see a Church,,I;d call that a Christain Nation
Aparantley you haven’t read one word of the koran
Tapper should be fired!! He’s an idiot, and didn’t know how to do a decent interview!!! We already have a Muslim as president, and it has damaged our country beyond belief!!
Ask Ben about Supporting Government Forced Vaccinations !!!
Nope, what I have done is had a Muslim watching by back and me watching his, through times that make people p**s their pants. So don’t even try and tell me about people, based on a book.