CNN Producer: “Reporter’s Instinct” Told Me to Drive to Stone’s House, Film His Arrest

The FBI made a surprise pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone on Friday, well, it was a surprise to everyone but CNN who just happened to have a news crew ready to capture the exclusive footage.

Speaking with CNN’s John Berman and Alisyn Camerota, CNN producer David Shortell said he had a gut instinct to go to Stone’s residence after noticing unusual grand jury activity in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

“The whole Russia team thought, maybe something was happening. There was unusual grand jury activity in Washington, D.C. yesterday. Robert Mueller’s grand jury typically meets on Friday, yesterday, a Thursday, there was grand jury activity,” Shortell said.

“We also had some other signs that maybe something was going on this angle, the Roger Stone angle. So we showed up at his house this morning, we were the only ones there, and lo and behold the FBI agents did come and arrest him,” he added.

Competitive cable news outlets have suggested something nefarious, as though the Mueller office (known for never leaking) was somehow in cahoots with CNN. The far more likely explanation is that Shortell simply did his job: old school gumshoe reporting.

Source: Mediate


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