CNN Producer: American Voters are “Stupid as sh*t”

Investigative journalist and Project Veritas founder James O’keefe released the final video a part of his undercover trifecta exposing CNN. Any hope CNN had of being able to pull itself back up and restore credibility has been completely destroyed.

Jimmy Carr, a classist, racist, sexist CNN associate producer was exposed this morning during an undercover interview calling the American voters “Stupid as shit”.

And yeah he also doesn’t believe President Trump is actually a Republican.

And yeah it’s okay to trash Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to ever successfully run a presidential campaign because she isn’t a liberal feminist.

And yeah Carr and the rest of CNN think Trump is crazy but they accept as it’s making the network mad money and driving ratings through the roof. Don’t forget this is the same network claiming Russians are evil friends colluding with President Trump because their media is controlled by the state. Which is mighty rich and hypocritical, coming from liberals and the Clinton News Network… Right?!

Just watch this for yourself! Carr along with the rest of CNN are the real folks actually “stupid as shit”.

Source: Zero Hedge



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