Conservatives have been more than just suspicious of the network CNN for decades. It has been plainly viewed as a mouthpiece for the left, a network where conservative principles are at least depreciated if not ridiculed. The same would go for conservative politicians. CNN reporters might act nice, and feign an air of impartiality, but the bedrock issue is that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are their kind of people, with Donald Trump and his allies portrayed as either not very bright or just downright dangerous.
This condescending attitude on the part of the liberal mainstream media, which certainly includes CNN, can be infuriating. No one appreciates being patronized, and this is a frequently used tactic by those on the left when interacting with conservatives. At other times, they are just downright obnoxious.
It would appear that the conflict between President Trump and the mainstream media will be a permanent feature of the nation’s political discourse. And both parties might benefit from it. More on page two.
Hopefully the Presidents attacks on CNN (the very lying media.) Will have to close your doors. We’ve been Bull Shited long enough. Trump will make America Great Again without your lies.
More f**e news
Full of c**p.
Come on cnn your grappling for straws your over the hill u have lost all. Respect from the American people who have good common sense you’ve been thrown in on the dung heap where you belong
Then change your call sign from CNN to VFN!!!
Keep thinking that your ratings are swirling the toilet
Donna Hagen Donna, are you talking about CNN or me?
First time to see this guy
But he looks like a Zionist devil
yel·low jour·nal·ism
noun: yellow journalism; plural noun: yellow journalisms
journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.
“equating murder and dismemberment with smoking pot is the worst yellow journalism”