This week, Michael Phelps carried the American flag into Maracana stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics. He was selected by his peers on Team USA after becoming the most decorated olympian in history, having won 22 medals and appearing in four previous Olympic games. Despite his many accomplishments, however, some are trying to argue that he didn’t deserve the privilege to carry the stars and stripes into the arena.
The Olympics — and especially the opening ceremonies — have long been recognized for their distinct lack of politics. Warring countries have marched alongside one another at multiple games in displays meant to show unity despite the world’s many ongoing conflicts.
Some, however, are trying to inject politics, political correctness, and accusations of white privilege back into the games. See who many thought was a more worthy flagbearer on the nest page. Be forewarned, it had nothing to do with her athletic ability:
Now that remark is really racist.
Liberals are the ones spreading all of this.
He definitely deserves it.
The liberal media strikes again! Guess his large amount of medals doesn’t matter, just his color!
Catlyn Jenner!!! Just joking!!!
I don’t see anyone more deserving then Michael Phelps becouse of his achievements. That remark from CNN is pritty much rascist.
Oh kiss my$#%&!@* Whine about something important.
Yep just like CNN should not be a media outlet because there bias against Americans that stand up to Bull$#%&!@*Government cronies that lie and steal to get what they want!
Get CNN off our airwaves now!!!! Enough is damn well enough with the bashing of this nation and the people in it.
The American team voted for him. That’s how things are supposed to be done, an honest election. So I really don’t see it being any of cnn’s business.
CNN has become the media darlings that are know around the world for being the biggest racists ever. The world knows that CNN management has their lips attached to Obama and Hillary’s asses.