CNN’s John King reminded viewers of a painful truth for Obama: With the 2014 mid-term elections looming and the president’s approval ratings at an all-time low, Democrats don’t want him to show up in support because they know he’s a liability. As King put it, “Democrats know they’re about to get thumped.”
Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats claim they’re proud supporters of ObamaCare and Democratic candidates should not try to separate themselves from the dismal policy, but should embrace it instead.
Do you think it’s smart for Democratic candidates facing midterm elections to shun the president they stand behind the rest of the time?
Photo: YouTube screenshot
I say…If they dont want him there because of his approval numbers and actions, why do they stand behind him at all? They need to break from his extreme liberalism, constant law breaking and his blatant attacks on the American people’s RIGHTS.
You really want know what I think of the BIG ear’d I think he should back to his bearth place Africa.
He sure isn’t doing his job here He lets Putin make a ass of him his come back is there will be cost BS he won’t do any thing because his bluff has ben called So dear lord come and take him but don’t bring him back for a refund .
then impeach the traitor today!
the people that do the impeaching are supporting him Glenn , just like us here in Australia ,with our poor excuse for a prime minister, youre gonna have to vote him out
what the hell are we waiting for?……so he can do even more damage to the USA?
The Massta loves him in Connecticut…!
Too late bozos … way too late. You got on your knees and licked the jackboots of tyranny. May you be hunted all of your remaining days, and haunted to eternity.
impeach try sentence remove all supporters and reverse all hes changed,obamacare and every law and organization founded or touched by HIM
NObama has worn out his welcome in America! Time to get him the $#%&!@* out of here, or have him executed for treason!
Don’t vote for them anyway, they back him up till now, so why back them.