Only in a world where the media dictates life does burglary become “acceptable”. Once again the talking heads on CNN have made their lack of morals known.
While watching a surveillance video during the Daily Hit, Alisyn Camerota and her co-hosts debated the “resourcefulness” of a man who broke into a Five Guys restaurant and cooked himself a cheeseburger. While he was very polite and didn’t make a mess, he still broke into the joint, and last I checked, breaking and entering is illegal.
A lot has changed in the past eight years, apparently it’s okay to break the law depending on skin color, gender, sexual orientation and anything else that puts you in a position to be discriminated against. While Alisyn, the male anchor and the very awkwardly placed female anchor commentated on what they were seeing in the video and whether or not it should be considered a crime, Alisyn basically said that it’s okay to burglarize.
I don’t think Five Guys feels the same.
Watch the video on the next page.
Are you just really that stupid?
Beyond stupid.
The magnitude of your ignorance is beyond my comprehension! When will you be gone so I can come steal your stuff? Who ties your shoes for you?
Read the Bible. Old testament covers it
Wow, victimless???…..she is a real cupcake….how has she gotten that old, and still that ignorant.??ls
How stupid can one be? May they all return home today and find their homes have been ransacked. Then, I dare any of them to report it to the police or their insurance company. We all know it’s a victimless act. I’m sure they would be upset if we call it a crime!
You got to be kidding? Is he Pelosi’s son?
Censored News Network.
Comical News Network.
CNN. Bringing you pure globalist and liberal leftist propaganda 24/7 for far too many years.
Wow, what criminals