The Donald Trump campaign seems to elicit the extremes in the body politic. He is attracting huge crowds of supporters with his populist message, while the Republican establishment looks on in horror and wonders how they can stop the movement without alienating their base. At the same time, Democrats are also anxious to shut down the Trump movement, and they are doing what they always do when they are losing, they are trying to silence Trump, and this past weekend, they hired hordes of protesters in Chicago to shout him down at a huge rally at the University of Illinois. The protestors included Bernie Sanders advocates, George Soros people, union thugs, and others. Many were paid protesters, and the disruption and the concern over violence was sufficient that the gathering was cancelled and Trump did not appear.
So it has come to this, the Democrat party is so desperate to stop Trump that they will hire thugs and rioters to silence him and ensure that people cannot hear his message rather than meet in open debate to exchange and compare platforms. That seems especially contrary to the idea of America, but it is not unusual for the Democrat party that has been bullying any contrary voices for decades by shouting racism, homophobia, sexism, and a host of other epithets when they have no way to defend their ideas.
However, Trumps next campaign stop in Dayton, Ohio was even more stunning.
Trump assaulted in Ohio, page 2:
Nyoka Haygood trump yes 2016
Copied and pasted
ALL TRUMP FANS NEED TO BE AWARE OF THIS**** The negative ads against Trump, all the adds for Bush paid for by the PAC Pimps, all of the hype by the media that Hillary can beat Trump, all the GOP candidates staying in the race with single digit % numbers, all the low polling GOP Candidates spewing negative comments about Trump, the media constantly bringing the low polling candidates on air to comment on anything and everything…..this is all a plan by the GOP Establishment to keep Trumps percentages below 50% in every state. This will allow the GOP establishment the opportunity to hand pick who the delegates will go to at the GOP National Convention even if Trump wins the popular vote. All popular votes must come in above the 50% mark in every state which will prevent the GOP from assigning that states delegates to whomever they want. Why do you think Jeb Bush keeps saying that Trump isn’t going to win the nomination? It is because he is in on this GOP Conspiracy to keep Trump from getting the GOP nomination. Bush is pretty sure that Trump will not make the 50% mark and already knows that those delegates will go to him making him the nominee. WAKE UP TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND SPREAD THIS TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!!!! This is sickening and no one is talking about it..the media isn’t talking about it, the GOP is banking no one starts talking about it. VOTE VOTE VOTE FOR TRUMP. Keep the GOP from bringing him down right before the National Convention. The GOP is banking on the Trump supporters not getting wind of this. They are banking on this so that after the primary elections are over it will be too late for us to do anything about it. They literally do not care if Hillary gets into office as all of them are sleeping together and are terrified if Trump gets into office all of their gravy trains will disappear. Obamacare, the Trade Agreement, Common Core all things that are making the PAC Pimps LOTS OF MONEY!! It is up to Trump Supporters to start to bring this to the forefront. The media never will as they are part of the PAC Pimps. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! FOR TRUMP!!! The GOP does not care if anyone runs 3rd party because they do not care if Hillary wins. If Trump runs 3rd party and loses and causes Hillary to win, the GOP doesn’t care. The GOP will take Hillary over Trump.”
Cnn are only a joke not GOOD LIKE FOX
CNN has always sucked now they are going above and BEYOND too show their ignorance
Cnn needs to be looked at for causing violence.
oh no
Trump for President!!
The libs are all afraid
of Trump because he stands for the American people,hes not politically correct (which is a joke) and he wont take any$#%&!@*from anybody including the u.n. and the libs are going crazy liberals another word for retard
This kind of thinking is simply this, don’t defend your self or you will be responsible for the situation.
Media manipulating common sense.
Trump supporters are idiots!