The Donald Trump campaign seems to elicit the extremes in the body politic. He is attracting huge crowds of supporters with his populist message, while the Republican establishment looks on in horror and wonders how they can stop the movement without alienating their base. At the same time, Democrats are also anxious to shut down the Trump movement, and they are doing what they always do when they are losing, they are trying to silence Trump, and this past weekend, they hired hordes of protesters in Chicago to shout him down at a huge rally at the University of Illinois. The protestors included Bernie Sanders advocates, George Soros people, union thugs, and others. Many were paid protesters, and the disruption and the concern over violence was sufficient that the gathering was cancelled and Trump did not appear.
So it has come to this, the Democrat party is so desperate to stop Trump that they will hire thugs and rioters to silence him and ensure that people cannot hear his message rather than meet in open debate to exchange and compare platforms. That seems especially contrary to the idea of America, but it is not unusual for the Democrat party that has been bullying any contrary voices for decades by shouting racism, homophobia, sexism, and a host of other epithets when they have no way to defend their ideas.
However, Trumps next campaign stop in Dayton, Ohio was even more stunning.
Trump assaulted in Ohio, page 2:
Definitely VERY LOW CLASS trash from CNN
CNN advocating violence, no surprise there!
(B)Racist lives matter movement needs to stop
That’s not what he said… he said some of them will be behind bars. For the simple fact of treason, lies against our country, and for the most part, not standing by the Constitution and the rights of the people who put them there, for the people, NOT TO LINE THERE OWN POCKETS AND CATER TO THE WANTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. …… “WE THE PEOPLE” not for them selves!
This loser needs to be put behind bars
I’d like 10 minutes alone with this shithead.
“What was he think” I thinking he’s just a tool, the more he talks the more the talking heads on CNN try to back him. Hay CNN what are you thinking ? Hay CNN it’s not working !!! This has never been about the “What is and what isn’t”. There is no point in pointing out the law as it stands, this is and always has been about one thing. Disarming by silencing the noncompliant whom have the backbone to stand. There is no more room for idealness and gutless completeness to false Orwellian authority , the light of awareness must shine bright as the midday sun. The time of action is now and at every turn we must not let the conveyers implement the poison of thought control on the defenseless. Stop them at every turn, question everything they do and never back down. until the cost of evil ambitions exceeds their means