The media has been caught red-handed trying to smear a Republican candidate!
Newly-surfaced footage of a brief CNN interview with Donald Trump has revealed that the TV network blatantly removed a portion of Trump’s remarks regarding tracking Muslims and immigration. Although the edited version of the interview makes it look like Trump was “absolutely” going to implement a national database to keep tabs on Muslims, the raw footage shows that Trump was in fact talking about securing the border, comments of his that were deliberately left out by CNN.
While nobody is surprised by bias from the liberal media, one can’t help but be astounded by this naked attempt to demonize Trump. CNN must really not want Trump to win the nomination, much less the election, if they’re going out of their way to misrepresent his positions and ideas to viewers, which makes sense given the network’s ties to the Clinton campaign.
To watch the edited video CNN put out, click the link below:
That’s the communist networks intent, all along…..Come On Americans…..You can See right thru these liberal traitors….
the left media has been doing this for a long time and they cought every so often but aht does not stop them. they know most proplr will just beleive what they put out, ture or not.
Is anyone surprised seriously??
ALL CEOs of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN are either married to or a relative of someone in the Odumbass administration. You think you are going to get fair news from mainstream media????
Of course, CNN is criminal in all ways.
I hope when you are elected you will put a stop to this misleading media! I would like to see everyone of them out of business!
Going to have to start new media outlets , this is disgraceful , what happen ?
What I like about Trump is he started a dialog we needed so bad no pc junk and I like that he is not bought and paid for by lobbyist. Next I like him for is he will surround himself with the best. And I like him for his ability to negotiate.
Liberal media will be the end of this country.
Obozo told them to do it an like good little rats they did it.