The media has been caught red-handed trying to smear a Republican candidate!
Newly-surfaced footage of a brief CNN interview with Donald Trump has revealed that the TV network blatantly removed a portion of Trump’s remarks regarding tracking Muslims and immigration. Although the edited version of the interview makes it look like Trump was “absolutely” going to implement a national database to keep tabs on Muslims, the raw footage shows that Trump was in fact talking about securing the border, comments of his that were deliberately left out by CNN.
While nobody is surprised by bias from the liberal media, one can’t help but be astounded by this naked attempt to demonize Trump. CNN must really not want Trump to win the nomination, much less the election, if they’re going out of their way to misrepresent his positions and ideas to viewers, which makes sense given the network’s ties to the Clinton campaign.
To watch the edited video CNN put out, click the link below:
Sick of all this BS going on? Forget about the problems and concentrate on the solutions. A free world is waiting. The technology is here now, we only have to create the free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change> .. It only takes one share from the right page and this movement starts.
Nothing new and the sheeple will believe it including the wusses RINO’S like Rove and that crowd!!!
I don’t think he would either. My point is all news media is swayed one way or the other. What don’t make since to me is why a candidate can win the popular vote and lose an election. Yes I know why the system operates that way but I don’t agree with it 100%.
Clement Fisk #itoldyouso #lyingmedia #youfool #hashtag
if his researches gave him bad information, he will deal with them.
cnn is a joke that’s not funny
This country desperately needs some truth in reporting laws, but it will NEVER happen as long as Republicans are in charge of EITHER branch of government. Canada has such a law. The closest thing we ever had to one was the Fairness Doctrine, and thanks to Saint Ronald Reagan, that was done away with back in the 80’s.
If we had any kind of truth in reporting law, Fox News would have to go out of business.
Really sad for their reputation is lost it’s down the gutter
NAIL THEM Donald J. Trump