The media has been caught red-handed trying to smear a Republican candidate!
Newly-surfaced footage of a brief CNN interview with Donald Trump has revealed that the TV network blatantly removed a portion of Trump’s remarks regarding tracking Muslims and immigration. Although the edited version of the interview makes it look like Trump was “absolutely” going to implement a national database to keep tabs on Muslims, the raw footage shows that Trump was in fact talking about securing the border, comments of his that were deliberately left out by CNN.
While nobody is surprised by bias from the liberal media, one can’t help but be astounded by this naked attempt to demonize Trump. CNN must really not want Trump to win the nomination, much less the election, if they’re going out of their way to misrepresent his positions and ideas to viewers, which makes sense given the network’s ties to the Clinton campaign.
To watch the edited video CNN put out, click the link below:
Jay Grasso That may be your only choice but People who can think for themselves would choose someone like Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton! Neither of them are Racist, Sexist or Hateful towards someone who may be Different than they are.
HATE and Bigotry will Not get him in the Whitehouse!
HATE Is not going to win the Whitehouse!
about the illegal immigrants shes from there and says the truth way better then i could ever……https://www.facebook.com/retainyourfreedom/videos/931491686885866/
Only trump 2016
Trump only 2016
your right, hate is not going to win the white house. love is, hate is in the white house right now. which has nothing to do with God.
all the ones you have named Bruce are what you think of Trump. its already been shown and proved they are the ones lieing, and misleading everyone, and that they and the media are making things look one way about Trump, when they are really very different. He cares about all of us and what is happening to this country. I hope your eyes get opened to the truth before its to late. with much love. sorry you are misguided, lead, and choose to be deceived. Trump is fighting for u also, don’t u understand.
CNN SUCKS !!!!!!!!