In case anybody still needed proof that CNN is completely in Obama’s corner, a new editorial published on the network’s website proves it beyond a doubt.
Jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon, the 24/7 news channel got one Elliot Fineman to pen an extended call for the suspension of gun rights. Fineman’s son was killed by a gunman in 2006 and has thus made it his mission to ban guns as a whole. While it is tragic that his son was murdered, it is no more reason to usurp the Second Amendment anymore than someone calling people names is a reason to usurp the First.
But of course, this doesn’t stop Fineman from doing just that. Although he “applauds” President Obama’s unconstitutional moves to place further restrictions on firearm usage and possession, he believes that “Republican obstructionism” will prevent him (thankfully) from carrying out his tyrannical agenda.
So with that in mind, Fineman proposes something even worse than what Obama has decided to do: declare a national emergency and officially abrogate Americans’ right to bear arms.
Turn to the next page for more information about Fineman’s anti-gun editorial:
How about CNN turn off their lights for good and never try and their hand at the News ever again, Mainstream Media has loss all credibility and they may never get it back again, because they are so corrupt.
CNN maybe should call ghost-busters, instead. And they want us to take them seriously ? Hang it up, CNN.
No one can take our guns. Infact those pushing this agenda can go to prison for 10 years. Hello. CNN officials can be arrested and their. Network shut down for treason against our nation.
Under federal law, 18 USC 242, it is illegal for anyone under the color of law to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and under 18 USC 241 it is illegal to conspire to violate such rights. It is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This could be applied to local, state, or federal law enforcement or military personnel who abuse the rights of citizens. Every state has a similar law.
The key point is this: You not only have the right to disobey an illegal order, but you may also have the duty to apprehend the parties issuing such an order if such issuance is part of the commission of a crime.
What we the people need to remember. The 3 branches cannot take away the rights given to us by the constitution period. So they have no authority over the 2nd amendment or say period. Including rights in the 10th amendment which states the federal govt has no business in:
The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception.
The federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, ad infinitum.
Key words: ad infinitum
So these leaders are breaking the law period.
synonyms: forever, for ever and ever, evermore, always, for all time, until the end of time, in perpetuity, until hell freezes over; perpetually, eternally, endlessly, interminably, unceasingly, unendingly, forevermore; informal until the cows come home, until kingdom come; archaicfor aye
“this story will be told and retold, ad infinitum”Two key words: ad infinitum.
Forever and ever. Which means congress or any part of the federal govt never had the rights or power to be involved in state issues or own land in the states period other than approved military bases. The majority of federal agencies are not only illegal and unconstitutional but are nothing but organized crimes syndicates embezzling our tax dollars for their own benefit. You can bet the founding fathers would have cleaned house in DC long before now.
EVER! So all these laws and agencies are illegal because they never had authority to even occupy offices in the states or state land ever!
The Democratic Party has been hijacked by a cult straight from hell and it is trying to invade and destroy every nation. Wake up.
It takes 3/4 of both the house and Senate to propose a change to a constitutional amendment. CNN is ignorant of the constitution.
The Democratic Party has been hijacked and overthrown by a cult straight from the pits of hell. They are trying to overthrow our nation and many nations. CNN doesn’t own the constitution. This is treason.
No one can take our guns. Infact those pushing this agenda can go to prison for 10 years. Hello.
Under federal law, 18 USC 242, it is illegal for anyone under the color of law to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and under 18 USC 241 it is illegal to conspire to violate such rights. It is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This could be applied to local, state, or federal law enforcement or military personnel who abuse the rights of citizens. Every state has a similar law.
The key point is this: You not only have the right to disobey an illegal order, but you may also have the duty to apprehend the parties issuing such an order if such issuance is part of the commission of a crime.
What we the people need to remember. The 3 branches cannot take away the rights given to us by the constitution period. So they have no authority over the 2nd amendment or say period. Including rights in the 10th amendment which states the federal govt has no business in:
The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception.
The federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, ad infinitum.
Key words: ad infinitum
So these leaders are breaking the law period.
synonyms: forever, for ever and ever, evermore, always, for all time, until the end of time, in perpetuity, until hell freezes over; perpetually, eternally, endlessly, interminably, unceasingly, unendingly, forevermore; informal until the cows come home, until kingdom come; archaicfor aye
“this story will be told and retold, ad infinitum”Two key words: ad infinitum.
Forever and ever. Which means congress or any part of the federal govt never had the rights or power to be involved in state issues or own land in the states period other than approved military bases. The majority of federal agencies are not only illegal and unconstitutional but are nothing but organized crimes syndicates embezzling our tax dollars for their own benefit. You can bet the founding fathers would have cleaned house in DC long before now.
EVER! So all these laws and agencies are illegal because they never had authority to even occupy offices in the states or state land ever!
True but the disciples that still believe every b******t word they spew are immune to the truth or reality .
As the blacks would say, “word”.
CNN said it? Then do the opposite!