CNN Anchor Explains Reverse Discrimination Among Journalists
CNN news anchor Don Lemon admits that he and other journalists tend to give Barack Obama a pass because he is black. Lemon’s comment in this short clip offer some telling insight into America’s national disease of reverse racial discrimination:
Fire his sorry black ass
you are wrong, he is giving
Oh hell no ! that doesnt make it right either… he is half and half lmao , but that isnt an excuse either…HE is not POS material ! Bad for the Nation and damn bad for our economics
What difference does it make what color he is. Right is right and wrong is wrong. He has done a poor job but you guys have covered for him. Why!!!!! He is just a man.
His color doesn’t have anything to do with it he is a racist and wants to destroy America and all americans
I would not care if he were sky blue pink with yellow polka dots IF he were doing a good job as President, but he is not. He is ruining our country and wanting to make it a muslim country, a hide out for his Muslim Brotherhood
I thought Obama had a White Mother, so she is the one he received all the Blood from , so looks to me like he is more White than Black, just saying.
Our EPA is a monster, just like our NSA and IRS. Under Obama’s Administration corruption is what our Federal Agencies have in common with Obama’s Administration.
All we have gotten from our horrible liberal media and Obama’s Administration since 2008 is lies. Elections are coming for our Senators and Representatives who can not keep their Oath of Office, who passed the horrible Obamacare monster and gave it to the corrupt monsters at the IRS. Vote them out. Our current Senate and House gave us the NDAA and they Cyber Security Bill.
If our horribly expensive HAARP Weather Weapon can not effect the Weather, it is as big a waste of our Tax Dollars as Obama’s stupid War on Terror and the horrible Obamacare monster.
If one current Senator or Representative is reelected it is one too many.
When Lemon first hit the news scene I thought it was some new gimmick from CNN. He’s right of a SNL satire skit, no one takes him seriously and he’s an obvious Obama wannabe.