CNN Anchor Explains Reverse Discrimination Among Journalists
CNN news anchor Don Lemon admits that he and other journalists tend to give Barack Obama a pass because he is black. Lemon’s comment in this short clip offer some telling insight into America’s national disease of reverse racial discrimination:
Color doesn’t matter! This needs to stop! He’s a horrible excuse for a human being-and the news needs to start reporting it!
NAPPY HEAD $#%&!@*
Pathetic ,if , you can’t report all the Truth then get out of the business. Just because Obama is Black doesn’t mean you should exempt him from your reports…he is just as much white so report his White side!
This is racist of the worst kind! Color should not be a part of reporting!
this is what is wrong with the media, they let the news go by and lie or delete any news against Obama and that is wrong, he should have to face the criminal actions he is doing and the news should tell the American people about it.
You racist bastard!!!!
Journalist??? Propagandist would be more fitting. Don Lemmon was one of the many reasons I stopped watching cnn!
Reverse discrimination at its best!
just last night I watched him talk about getting high and making bad decisions and he is the president, look at the mayors and governors and other politicians that have resigned impeached or run out of office for the same damn thing oh that’s right most of them were white