CNN Anchor Explains Reverse Discrimination Among Journalists
CNN news anchor Don Lemon admits that he and other journalists tend to give Barack Obama a pass because he is black. Lemon’s comment in this short clip offer some telling insight into America’s national disease of reverse racial discrimination:
He is not Black! He is half and half!
Perhaps I’m racist because I don’t like the white part! Give me a break. The people not liking Barack has nothing to do with race! It is the $#%&!@* he does!
We have equal rights only when it is to your benefit . when you want to get away with wrong doing then we have racism.
And What Break, our you going to give the White Race? This is Not about Race. Obama, is a Mulatto. His father was Black and his Mother was White = Mulatto! So which side are you going to give a Break on?
That is so wrong.
Just Bull$#%&!@*!!!!
Maybe they should loose broadcast licences for lying to public
What about Obama’s “White” half??? Complete racist bull$#%&!@*!
Obama is NOT half Caucasian and half African American!