The Clock Kid certainly is getting lots of air time after his time piece, masquerading as a bomb, which got him arrested. His knock off, 1970’s digital, which he did not really build, has gained so much attention that Ahmed Mohamed will now be heading to Qatar.
Read how this high school kid who took the guts out of one clock and put it in a pencil box is being treated to a world class trip on page 2.
sub-human garbage….DEPORT them all….
Hope they keep him along with his whole family.
Does not deserve all. Another muslem getting special treatment for making clock! Next thing a bomb. Want yo give him prize for that?????
This was one of two things; an entitled little punk looking for attention or, an entitled little punk running a test on school security for his Jihad father.
Lets deport all these Muslim weasles !!
Tick tock
Oh….just testing school security.
ya.. great a terrorist fed country/…..idiots
The real story !!!!
Don’t you wonder why !!!!