The family of Ahmed “clock boy” Mohamed, the fourteen year old student who arrested his bring a homemade clock to school (that happened to look like a bomb), is demanding a written apology and $15 million from the city of Irving, TX, and it’s independent school district.
The demands are supposed to be “compensation” for disregarding his rights and permanently “damaging” the family’s reputation. The letter, which was written by the family’s lawyer stated that Ahmed’s reputation in the global community is permanently scarred.
It would seem that Mohamed family has different meanings for the words like “damaging” and “scarred” than what’s written in the dictionary. Since Ahmed’s clock situation, the family has become international celebrities.
Ahmed has dined with President Obama, hugged a ruthless dictator and was offered a full scholarship in Qatar.
It sounds like this clock business worked out exactly how he wanted it to. The letter also claimed that arrest was racially motivated, well, what did the parents think was going to happen?
Read more about this letter on the next page.
So a kid builds a clock and the schools freak out and the cops freak out and unjustly detain him and it’s his fault? If he was white you all woukd be racing to defend him. You are all unamerican
Ooooh you got your feelings hurt. Go back to your own country, we don’t need your kind here. I agree with you Michael Miller.
its all about the money,the money he wants the free money that’s why he is behaving like that! it was all a ploy by his parents to get free money they must of told him to say his going to blow up the school then his father built a lookalike bomb then told his son to call it a clock well you know the rest
Send him to Syria..
When a court takes a suit like this, they need their laws checked. The state of Texas did nothing wrong. The City of Irving did nothing wrong except not sending the parents a bill for the false alarm that the kid started, and then he needs to give the school an apology for the clock, this was a poor excuse for a bomb.
How about 15 million kicks in your B—?
DEMANDS an apology???? He should apologize to everyone all around and just get on with his life over THERE>