Media bias has taken Clock Boy’s story, the boy who brought a clock that looked like a bomb to school and turned it into a one-sided tale of Islamaphobia. Because of the the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), only the Mohammed family has been able to share their side of the story, while the teachers and school administrators have had to keep their side to themselves.
However, a former student, a Muslim female, who graduated from MacArthur High School’s 2015 as valedictorian, has a very different impression of her time at the Texas school. Amena Jamali wrote an email to the MacArthur High principal Dan Cummings which thanked the school and educators for making her feel safe, accepted and able to excel as a Muslim girl.
The school accommodated her religious conviction, allowing her prayer time and dietary needs, as well as allowing her to take a month off for a Haj. Read the truth about this high school and how the media and the Mohammed family want to profit from their attention.
Sick of all this BS going on? Forget about the problems and concentrate on the solutions. A free world is waiting. The technology is here now, we only have to create the free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change> .. It only takes one share from the right page and this movement starts.
This was a set-up from the start and the media perpetuated this scam!
P.o.s. preasure cooker Designer…O Bummers pride and joy. ..
Why do people get rewarded for the tiniest insignificant thing and heroes don’t?
needs to be shot
It’s time for a “time out”, turkey.
The muslim and media scam.
If anyone pays that boy any money your crazyier than ova awe were protecting our people and he don’t need to take offense about other does not deserve one penny
Yes this was a set up from the start and the family knew exactly what they were doing and now trying to get paid from the school district and the City. They and the lawyers should be charged with extortion then let’s see if they all still want to pursue getting money from the district and City.