Clock Boy plagiarized his science project and is now being named by TIME Magazine as 1 of 30 Most Influential Teens of 2015. He did nothing to deserve any praise and honor, but rather his false science project should bring infamy. Ahmed Mohamed took apart a clock, put it in a pencil box and claimed that he made it all by himself.
Read on page two how incredibly inept TIME Magazine’s choice is.
No longer a relevant publication.
Yeah boycott Time!!!!!!
Angel Toro, there’s a big difference between educated and wise.
what has happened to my America?
Boycott that rag! Money talks!
DISGUSTING. BOYCOTT TIME MAG. THIS USED TO BE A GOOD magazine but now, it’s pretty shameful. I wouldn’t waste a dime on it.
WTF, Time!
Who cares who TIMES honors???????????????????????????
What we need are REAL good role models. These false models need to be shamed.