Clock Boy plagiarized his science project and is now being named by TIME Magazine as 1 of 30 Most Influential Teens of 2015. He did nothing to deserve any praise and honor, but rather his false science project should bring infamy. Ahmed Mohamed took apart a clock, put it in a pencil box and claimed that he made it all by himself.
Read on page two how incredibly inept TIME Magazine’s choice is.
Going to be the worlds most prominent bonb maker.
NOT !!!!
Stop buying time mag long time ago because they refuse to print the truth anymore this is a disgusting example , they should be honoring the kid that developed an app for veterans with PTSD
Boycott Time!!!!!!!
Good for you; still not a valid source
You cares what you think enjoy your obamacare
What’s his I Q ?
Haven’t read TIME magazine in over twenty years – they just gave me a proper reason to make certain I don’t read it for another twenty
Spoken like a true nut job. Let me guess, low level of education?
As republicans crank there car engines watching the world pass them by th ey still don’t get any of these darn new fangled ideas or thoughts. Democrats and many other educated people step aside behind and generally around the out dated republicans to see how for they have come as people and why the hell republicans refuse to live in reality..