Like a bad penny that keeps returning, Clock Bomb Boy is continuing to use his 15 minutes of fame to defame Texas and accuse everyone of racism.
President Barack Obama’s favorite apprentice bomb maker now sees clock bombs as keys to meeting famous people and expounding false accusations of racism and anti-Muslim discrimination. More of his personal Islamophobia on the next page:
Leave the USA
looks like a pimp
Jason Smith…I suggest you listen to a bit of David Barton … and maybe tour the Washington Monument, the Supreme Court and a few other buildings. Oh…you might also try reading the Founding Documents. This is and has always been a nation based upon Judeo-Christian principles! And…NO ONE is trying to make this a theocracy!
Get the MUSLIMS out of our county once and for all.
This Entire Trouble Making Muslim Family Should Be Deported !!
fuk a muslime they want to make te world muslime and will kill anyone that stands in their way they are the worlds biggest threat to bad the clueless dumocrats cant figure that out and the kenyan born America hating muslime traitor in the white house is helping them anyway he can fuk a muslime and fuk the traitor in the wh
Maybe someone will stop his clock
They are fraud they are killers and they are not wanted in this country.
He gets this much attention over a freaking clock that looked like a bomb, mean while muslims around the world have now killed how many, are demanding laws be changed to suit their religion, get the frack outa here with your clock. Just not feeling sorry for people with views like this.