“My dream is to raise consciousness against racism and discrimination,” he said at a New York press event with Turkey’s Islamist Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, according to an article in the Turkish newspaper, HurriyetDailyNews.com.
Yes, that is exactly why he built the clock bomb, wasn’t it?
Davutoğlu, who is New York for the 70th United Nations General Assembly, met with 14-year-old student Ahmed Mohamed, and probably also with his publicity whore father. You recall, Ahmed was detained at school by the police in Texas when a teacher thought a clock he had made to look like a suitcase bomb, was actually a bomb.
How silly of him! Especially when several other teachers Ahmed showed the bomb off to simply warned him or dismissed the obvious goad. Yes, he was trying for a reaction.
“Speaking to reporters ahead of the meeting with Davutoğlu, Mohamed said he was excited to meet the Turkish prime minister [and] said he wanted to raise awareness against racism and discrimination,” said Todays Zaman, a Turkish newspaper that support’s Turkey’s Islamist governent.
The boy tweeted out a picture of his meeting with the prime minister, and his subservient, Islamic observant Muslim wife, Sare Davutoğlu, who was wearing an Islamic burka.
On Sept. 14, teachers and police in Irving, Texas, detained and questioned Mohamed about a box and wiring he brought into his High School.
The boy’s device was a commercial 120-volt alarm clock, first dismantled and then placed in a case where the screen could not be seen by any users. The boy also left the clock’s innards exposed, so when the power-cord was plugged in, the clock could electrocute anyone who reached inside the case to turn the alarm on or off. Police and teachers thought it was a hoax-bomb.
The police skepticism likely was raised because of the recent attempt by two men — both fundamentalist Muslims — to machine-gun a large group of attendees at an art exhibition in nearby Garland, Texas. The men were successfully killed by a policeman who was standing guard in expectation of an attack by Islamists.
Source: Breitbart
Two days after the police briefly detained the boy, and a pre-planned social-media hurricane of liberal claims erupted. Yes, even Obama invited him to the White House. That does not come spontaneously. Obama publicly congratulated Mohamed via a Sept. 16 tweet. “Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great,” Obama tweeted.
It was another “IN YOUR FACE” moment for Obama and the American people.
Davutoğlu is the Islamist prime minister of Turkey, who is working with President Recep Erdoğan to roll back the secular reforms imposed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in the 1920s and 1930s. For example, his new government rules require students to study the Koran in school.
Say, he might try Common Core, which has the same goal for American kids.
This Turkish fellow is a power mad fool. He is trying to reassemble Turkey’s Ottoman Empire, which was in severe decline for centuries and finally destroyed by World War One. “We will again tie Sarajevo to Damascus, Benghazi to Erzurum to Batumi. This is the core of our power,” he said in 2013.
He’s been watching Lawrence of Arabia too many times.
The clock needs to run out on clock bomb boy’s celebrity.
Wee cnt
to fukin bad…get out of my country
Another lame excuse for despicable people.
The three stooges
you can,t believe anything these ragheads and goat rappers say . this is what liers do .send a b52 over there a drop a bomb on the basturd and say this is your clock bomb , it didn,t go off over here it went off over there, lock and load amen imo they are all liers just like Obama.
They should be deported!
Hey kid your nothing but a terrorist and a slimy one at that
Hes nothing but a foilthy scumbag. Go back to the desert where you lot belong