Source: Flickr
Hillary Rodham Clinton has been associated with dozens of despicable scandals in her long career. Some of them are absolutely unbelievable. Most Americans have heard of some of her more well-known cases of corruption: the Benghazi scandal, Hillary’s history of influence-peddling (pay-to-play politics), her “poor judgement” regarding her own email security, and of course the cover-up when she deleted those emails. Those are just a few of her more noteworthy and scandalous transgressions. But in this slideshow we’ll look at 10 fundamental exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option. That’s right, these are not all criminal acts, but evidence of a compulsion to be dishonest.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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Cory Hall trump only knows what he reads on briebart
Juan Tuknow I’d ask if you feel stupid but I think this is an everyday occurrence for you.
Ron Hornback. Your welcome because I actually looked up the state law and the dates. You stand corrected.
Jeffery A. Finigan but. Where did you look? Findlaw is used by most lawyers and they say 1973. Who do I trust???????? H
Somehow it feels like you are embarrassed . Show me the link!
Sheila Reiss Vaughn you got any proof not right wing propaganda and opinions facts please give me 100% proof not fabricated.
It seems that Mat Lauer, NBC, ABC and CBS are holding a lunkhead swimmer to a higher standard than a Presidential Nominee with the coverage over the episode in Rio. Locte’s exaggerations are minor compared to Hillary’s and yet the networks have it as a major story and nothing mentioned on Hillary’s transgressions. Typical.
This picture of her: she just farted snd even SHE can’t stand the stink.
Phillip: Think how much money Unions would make on people if they could go back to work in high paying jobs like Coal, steele, building contractors who have to hire people in unions..Think what happens if Trump opens up all our energy resources and expands our economy..Think about Trump when he bulit one skyscraper, Trump Tower in the middle of NYC, and all the jobs involved by people in unions..Archetects, engineers, contractors, electricians, plummers, buldozer operators, brick layers, cement workers, truck drivers, road workers, inspectors, designers, carpet layers, sheet metal workers, elevator workers, glass workers, Think of the money it would generate for unions if this one building was a thousand fold across the nation, just by opening up all our energy resources…Road workers resturants, oil pipelines, Shipping Dock Workers..And you want Hillary who will do non of this.
Hillary is a liar and a fraud and a disgusting pig.
They’ll tell you that if you support Trump you are a bigot and a racist. That’s just to shut you up with guilt.
The thing is, if you are a Hillary supporter, you’re a traitor and a fool; especially if you have no clue what sharia law would do to this country.