Source: Flickr
Hillary Rodham Clinton has been associated with dozens of despicable scandals in her long career. Some of them are absolutely unbelievable. Most Americans have heard of some of her more well-known cases of corruption: the Benghazi scandal, Hillary’s history of influence-peddling (pay-to-play politics), her “poor judgement” regarding her own email security, and of course the cover-up when she deleted those emails. Those are just a few of her more noteworthy and scandalous transgressions. But in this slideshow we’ll look at 10 fundamental exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option. That’s right, these are not all criminal acts, but evidence of a compulsion to be dishonest.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
Get started with the “Start Slideshow” link below:
And for those that defend her , birds of a feather flock together .
And fox is not on there lol
Ummm do you happen to remember what they said about Obama. He’s going to take our guns he has no experience he’s going to Cripple America
If you look at the facts Trump lies 100 times worse one lie per minute
And everyone knows that nobody was going to be able to help them you seem like a little baby trying to blame that on Hillary
What a clown
Dennis Correia First, all politicians lie and it is expected. Second, Trumps lies have not gotten anyone killed or put people’s lives in danger. Third, at least to my knowledge, Trump has not lied about illegal activities or demeaned women the way Hillary Clinton has in her attacks on women that have proven Bill abused them and their trust for the day they, Bill and Hillary, were married through his presidency.
or a 5150 ? This election will be rigged, wait and see…. 4 More yrs of Obama…. Better read this….Scary thought…………..
I had to take my vehicle to the mechanic the other day for service. The
Service Manager, Pete, gave me a ride home and on the way he told me his theory about the upcoming election and the next four years of U.S. government.
At first I thought it a bit far fetched. But as I listened to him it began to
make sense, scary sense…
“I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the election in November,” Pete
began. “Then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted.
The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.”
“Once under indictment she won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency.”
“The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So President Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.”
Pete believes Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her. Had the AttorneyGeneral indicted her based on evidence from the FBI this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate
If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left,
including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) or to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.
The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge.
Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if Pete is correct? Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying changing the country to fit his stated goals.
This had been ruled false