Source: Flickr
Hillary Rodham Clinton has been associated with dozens of despicable scandals in her long career. Some of them are absolutely unbelievable. Most Americans have heard of some of her more well-known cases of corruption: the Benghazi scandal, Hillary’s history of influence-peddling (pay-to-play politics), her “poor judgement” regarding her own email security, and of course the cover-up when she deleted those emails. Those are just a few of her more noteworthy and scandalous transgressions. But in this slideshow we’ll look at 10 fundamental exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option. That’s right, these are not all criminal acts, but evidence of a compulsion to be dishonest.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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No one questions her heavy cause they don’t want to end up in a hole in the ground.
exaggerations . . lol you need the exaggerations for a top ten? lmao
i can’t stand this person
The end of this woman is very very close. Get ready sheep…………. you got a hell of a couple of weeks coming your way.
Don’t forget the Margaret Stanger Award…..originated by someone who wanted to exterminate blacks…..and they are voting for her?????? BTW….Michelle Obama received one, too… about that for irony?
Hillary is a Lying, morally corrupt ,scumbag, intent on feathering her own nest at any cost, even at the expense of American lives. She should be held accountable for her treasonous and illegal actions. If this were any other citizen, they would have been imprisoned a long time ago. What happened to our constitution where everyone is accountable under the law? Our system is now so corrupt under this administration, that anything goes and is acceptable. It is unconscionable, unacceptable, morally wrong and we the people need to stand up to this tyranny, before Hillary lies herself into the presidency and destroys this great nation forever. We have the ability to determine the future of our country, if we stand united and vote for Trump in November. If we do not and Hillary wins, we will have no one to blame, but ourselves. God bless America.
This psychopath is scary the thought of this crazy women in the white house give the willies like crazy.$#%&!@*Hillary is scary folks,.
Very hard to limit to just 10.
Here is a long video regarding Bill& Hillary Clinton. It shows timelines and body counts. They have not skipped a beat. They are soulless.
The Clinton’s are so brilliant, not only are they the smartest people on earth, they also know what’s best for you and me. How did earth exist without them. I’m just so in awe of them. Lol just more fabrication from the lying POS.