Source: Flickr
Hillary Rodham Clinton has been associated with dozens of despicable scandals in her long career. Some of them are absolutely unbelievable. Most Americans have heard of some of her more well-known cases of corruption: the Benghazi scandal, Hillary’s history of influence-peddling (pay-to-play politics), her “poor judgement” regarding her own email security, and of course the cover-up when she deleted those emails. Those are just a few of her more noteworthy and scandalous transgressions. But in this slideshow we’ll look at 10 fundamental exaggerations and outright lies she has told, when telling the truth would’ve clearly been the better option. That’s right, these are not all criminal acts, but evidence of a compulsion to be dishonest.
Compulsive lying is a sociopathic behavior and these 10 examples – where she was caught red-handed – are surely just the tip of the Clinton iceberg of dishonesty.
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Ron Fiene think so? You must be one of those non reading people that stop when you think you are right. Try reading one word at a time
Jeffery A. Finigan thanks Jeffery for not reading at all . Had you been the least bit smart, you would have read that they stated that it was the first time voting under those laws not the last
“Hillary Clinton’s much-vaunted “experience” has been an experience in carrying out a policy that has failed disastrously from the Middle East to Ukraine to North Korea. We don’t need more of that kind of experience.” – Thomas Sowell
The mere fact that a psychopathic liar like Hillary Clinton could even be considered a leader is a barometer of how truly sick this country has become.
This incompetent, lawless and lying$#%&!@*couldn’t (refused to) protect four Americans in Benghazi. How the Hell is she going to protect 315+ million Americans as President? She couldn’t handle the job of SOS, somehow she’s miraculously now capable of handling the job of the Presidency? Pure effing fantasy. She has absolutely proven that she doesn’t give a damn about our national security or state secrets. You want THIS in the WH? THAT is pure insanity. Hillary Clinton is the most incompetent, lying Goddamned bag of human sewage that ever lived. The ONLY place of two choices this$#%&!@*belongs is either in Federal Prison, or in the arms of The Grim Reaper, period!
Only TEN???
What about WhackJob saying her mother named her after Edmund Hillary? Even though she was born about 6 years before he was famous for the 1953 Everest Expedition.
just remember ” I didn’t have sex with that woman” it runs in the family !!! SMH
Efren Barreras What is happening right now is not intelligent nor is it done out of humanity. The Islamic migrants prove they do not appreciate any acts of humanity when they demand a nation granting them asylum conform to their c**p way of life or they will revolt in violence. Intelligent is never taking in so many from a different culture that they never conform to the culture of that nation, because they don’t have to. Do we really want to be more like Islamic countries or Mexico? No we really don’t. There are some things in life that just aren’t fair, perhaps your mama never taught you that. We aren’t asking to hide here, we are asking that we do not allow the war to come to us. We are asking that we also have a say in our future, that is what a nation of fellows should allow. You are trying to impose your own need to feel like you are more humane than others, when most likely you wouldn’t even take the time to help your neighbor and you give a sh#t none in reality about any Syrian refugees. Well wake up, grow up and wise up. You are the one ignorant to Islam, what it is, what they want and what they will do to accomplish Jihad.
How in hell were you able to limit the list to only 10??
Noppy you need to get this straightened out