Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s story as to her use of a private email while leading the State Department from 2009 to 2013 has evolved more times than her view on gay marriage and the Keystone XL Pipeline put together. Clinton initially claimed that she only used one device — she used many. She claimed she never sent any classified information — she did. She then modified her stance to claim that she never sent anything that was classified at the time — not true either. Clinton also told the FBI and the American people that she turned over all work-related emails — the FBI found that she never turned over (and deleted) a number of work-related emails.
It’s no wonder the American people can’t keeping the Democratic presidential nominee’s story straight — SHE can’t keep it straight, either.
Clinton’s latest claim — one which she made this week, on 60 Minutes — is that she used a private email server because “other secretaries of state” and “high-ranking members of administrations” recommended the idea to her.
But who were these “high ranking” officials and former secretaries of state? Did anybody actually tell her that this was a good idea, or is Clinton simply attempting to shift blame for her “extremely careless” behavior?
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and who told you that
Lies lies lies. Always pointing the finger at everyone else. She is an adult who made adult decisions and need to be held accountable for her decisions!!!!!!
well if shes that open to suggestions…maybe that person can suggest she dropout of the race
Lying witch
And its also recommend that you eat a bullet in your stupid$#%&!@*head….dg
Criminal Liar. Time to rid the country of Lying Liberals.
Civil war will result in martial law! If this was enacted, Obama could stay in power and our guns would be taken! If we can stay calm and put Trump in by a landslide, we will be rid of the Dems!
Controversy has followed this woman her whole life. Has anyone ever read a positive article about Hillary, neither have I. I don’t think there has ever been as many warnings about any candidate ever as there has been about Hillary and to no avail. The liberal morons just ignore the thousands of warning signs. How do we get through to these people? I have yet to find anyone with anything positive to say about Hillary. Oh they say never Trump in typical nasty liberal fashion but when they say they are voting for her they cannot come up with even one thing she has honestly accomplished. Seems like it is just the mindless following the mindless. It amazes me how anyone could vote for her if they were really objective and just accepted the fact that she has really accomplished nothing. Liberals just shut their eyes to the scandals that have followed this corrupt vile woman her entire career. That speaks volumes about liberals morals. The problem with the Clinton’s is you cannot trust them. the Clinton’s are influence peddlers. They are grifters and extortionist. With them nothing is sacred they will sell any and everything that is not nailed down for the almighty dollar. They will sell favors to anyone who is willing and able to pay. They will sell government secrets. They are two of the most corrupt people on earth. If she is elected president they will mine America for all its worth. Does anyone really want 4 to 8 years of the Clintons? They have proven over and over again that they don’t have an ounce of decency or character. Everything is pay to play with these two. Too date Muslim country’s have paid the Clinton foundation 280 million dollars. Muslims own the Clintons. And if elected she plans to bring 10,000,000 more here. She is a traitor who is selling her soul, and our country , to the devil just to line her pockets.
By Bill.