Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s story as to her use of a private email while leading the State Department from 2009 to 2013 has evolved more times than her view on gay marriage and the Keystone XL Pipeline put together. Clinton initially claimed that she only used one device — she used many. She claimed she never sent any classified information — she did. She then modified her stance to claim that she never sent anything that was classified at the time — not true either. Clinton also told the FBI and the American people that she turned over all work-related emails — the FBI found that she never turned over (and deleted) a number of work-related emails.
It’s no wonder the American people can’t keeping the Democratic presidential nominee’s story straight — SHE can’t keep it straight, either.
Clinton’s latest claim — one which she made this week, on 60 Minutes — is that she used a private email server because “other secretaries of state” and “high-ranking members of administrations” recommended the idea to her.
But who were these “high ranking” officials and former secretaries of state? Did anybody actually tell her that this was a good idea, or is Clinton simply attempting to shift blame for her “extremely careless” behavior?
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She doesn’t know which lie she’s used before ! Can’t keep them all straight………..TOO MANY !
4 years as the SOS and only using her Undocumented and Private Server Only, and there was not one ‘Classified’, ‘Top-Secret’, or Sensitive eMail that passed through it? 25th of July 2016: Hillary stated in her speech to the VFW that she would not help any countries that ‘Hate the USA’…But, she accepts money from them. I Googled this: Hillary and the DNC calls SWAT to arrest Bernie Sanders supporters. If she is willing to do this to those in her own party, what will she do to the people in her own country? I think this and more needs to be made extremely clear to as many people as possible. Unlikely! She’s guilty, even more so than Petraeus! This is Exactly why we as a country cannot allow this individual into the highest office in the land.
Sorry the lie detector says that was a lie bitch
By who? China’s spy program?? You’re an idiot. It’s recommended that u forget about being president. Too stupid.
So she doesn’t have a mind of her own …..A follower not a leader !
It was recommended to me that i should break the law to get away with my honest activities that i dont want anyone to know even tho i am not a crook . nice
she is a liar a thief and a murderer
Yeah Right
The Devil made her do it! No Joke!