Clinton’s Latest Story: “It was recommended” that I Use Private Email Server

Although the FBI inexplicably did not recommend charges against former secretary of state and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for her “extremely careless” handling of classified material, Clinton faces a great deal of skepticism and mistrust from the American electorate.

Perhaps in an attempt to offload some of the blame for her reckless treatment of state secrets, Clinton is now claiming that she only used a private email server because it was recommended to her.

Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed publicly for the first time in a recent CBS News “60 Minutes” interview that using private email servers was “recommended” to her.

The revelation — highlighted in a Judicial Watch lawsuit against the State Department — raises new unanswered questions about who may have suggested or influenced Clinton’s decision to relay sensitive and classified State Department information on private channels.


CBS Correspondent Scott Pelley touched on the email controversy in a July 24, 2016, interview with Clinton and vice presidential running mate, Democratic Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine. Judicial Watch obtained the interview transcript.

PELLEY: “Why did you do that, have the private email servers?”

CLINTON: “You know, Scott, other people have — other secretaries of state, other high-ranking members of administrations, plural. And it was recommended that it would be convenient, and I thought it would be. It’s turned out to be anything but.”

Of course, as a member of the mainstream media, Pelley declined to ask the follow-up question of who exactly recommended this idea to her.  Anybody hoping for unbiased treatment of Hillary Clinton in future interviews — and any debates with Donald Trump — is kidding themselves if they expect something as challenging as a follow-up question.

Source: The Daily Caller



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