Hillary Clinton did her best impression of a Second Amendment advocate during last week’s presidential debate. Not only did she proclaim her “support” the amendment, but she “lived in Arkansas for 18 wonderful years,” so of course she loves guns.
Unfortunately, Clinton’s words don’t reflect her policy regarding gun ownership. She may have claimed that “gun ownership is a tradition that goes back to the founding of our country,” but that isn’t stopping her from trying to take them away. She’s just being sneaky about it.
A look into Clinton’s actual policies show that she may try to outlaw some of out country’s most popular guns. Her plan isn’t an outright ban, but effectively limits Americans from being able to purchase the guns that they want.
Remember, Clinton was attacking Bernie Sanders for being too soft on guns during the primary. Just because her campaign has done away with him doesn’t mean she gets to change her stance.
See the specifics of Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun agenda on the next page:
Let her eat a barrel
So tired of you old stale rotten criminal Evil clintons, nothing but lying thieving murdering cockroaches, hope you go straight to Hell.
Most corrupt people ever to hold public office. But the average voter scares hell out of me. Never, ever, overestimate the intelligence of the average American voter.
If they ban them, I”ll be an outlaw,proudly
And look at all the candy kids choke on.
nope, starta war maybe
F**k Killary…! Kill that$#%&!@*already.
With the amount of criminal activity and voter fraud coming from the democrats, if you’re thinking about buying something, you should probably get to it now!