Here is another great Mark Dice, man-on-the-street interview with ordinary people. This time he purports that Hillary’s campaign platform promotes the repeal of the Bill of Rights. Certainly the Kool Aid stand is just off camera…
Go to the next page for the shocking results of his work.
Fucking Stupid to STUPID TO LIVE
It’s outrageous. My family lived (and some still do) for many generations in California. I was born there. I’m a daughter of the revolution. I loved growing up in California. It is such a beautiful state. Unfortunately, all of the liberal hippies and such have ruined it. They have soiled it beyond recognition. I had to move because I couldn’t take it anymore. Just disgraceful!!!
And just another little note, the “new” California and its residence are so stupid and uninformed that they reel tend Jerry brown. Now that is plain stupid!
These people are pathetic… don’t even know what the Bill of Rights are?
Hillary cannot repeal any amendment. Crazy$#%&!@*uneducated liberal.
Stupid people should not breed
They truly are mental!