Here is another great Mark Dice, man-on-the-street interview with ordinary people. This time he purports that Hillary’s campaign platform promotes the repeal of the Bill of Rights. Certainly the Kool Aid stand is just off camera…
Go to the next page for the shocking results of his work.
Stop drinking the koolaide! You Clinton libs are all reciting the same script! You really want to strip us of our rights! Think you need to go back to school……learn to think for yourselves, if you are smart enough!
These people are insane
Leave our constitution, rights , freedoms , flag , national anthem , pledge of allegiance alone
Vote Trump
It’s uneducated , idiotic people like this who are allowed to cast votes for things they don’t understand . You should have to have a basic understanding of government before you’re allowed to vote . All Americans should have to pass a competency test prior to registering to vote .
I think all these dummies are drugged
The “mentally challenged” vote for Hildegard
As the country folks would say,”dumber than a box of rocks”
Can’t fix stupid