Although few Americans have forgotten the tragedy that took place in Benghazi, Libya four years ago, Hillary Clinton has done her best to ensure the remainder did.
Of course, it didn’t help that “objective” reporters and journalists treated the incident not as an attack on American citizens but as a witch-hunt for Republicans out for Hillary’s blood, allowing a seed to be planted among a particularly gullible segment of the population that there was nothing to reports that the former Secretary of State didn’t act responsibly. As has become very clear since the incident occurred though, Clinton’s actions went well beyond criminal negligence.
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Trump says that he knows more about ISIS than our Generals!
Trump says that he knows more about the economy that Obama! Yet Trump’s filed Bankruptcy more than the Obamas!
Trump said, “Why Obama’s talking about me, I don’t know him and he don’t know me!” But Trump said he talked with Obama’s grandmother and she said Obama was born in Kenya, and she was there!
Trump says he knows about the Black Panthers! But he DON’T know the KKK master David Duke!!
Conclusion……….Trump knows more than everybody BUT DON’T know who everybody else knows!!!
Research Criminal Records and CONVICTIONS!!
Why Mrs Trump is NOWHERE AROUND DEFENDING her loving husband?
What she knows that u guys REFUSED to See, Realize or Learn?
where did you get your absurd talking points, the DNC? still waiting for your check LOL!!!!
David Duke, u guys know about him, BUT Trump don’t?
Trump act like he knows more about everything than anyone else…….. Yet he’s filed Bankruptcy 4 TIMES! Lost $916 MILLION in 1 year!
Trump Foundation FORCED TO SHUT DOWN!
Trump University was a SCAM!
Post Trump’s policies from his website…….. I joke, right?
Excuse me Sir, but do you know anything about Hillary? Do you have any idea of how anti-religious Hillary is? Do you know that she is an accessory to murder (Bengazi), Do you know the only reason she’s not in jail is because Obama instructed Lynch and the DOJ to protect Hillary. Did you know that the FBI Director Comey has ties with the Clinton Foundation and he deliberately got his own$#%&!@*in an investigation from protecting hillary. Do you admit that she had her staff eliminate 33,000 emails after receiving a soepena; She has been caught in hundreds of lies; She tried to trample all over Bill’s female conquests; She wants to let in hundreds of thousands of so-called refugees through OPEN borders with out vetting them and 20% or more of all Muslim refugees are Islamic Terrorists! She wants to eliminate all privately owned guns so we can no longer protect ourselves. She wants world government to be run by tthe UN which will eliminate the United States of America. She sold weapons to our enemys in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. She got millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia who as it turned out funded the 9/11 Twin Towers destruction killing thousands of innocent people. That same Clinton Foundation took in a couple billion dollars and only 10% went towards it’s advertised functions of helping the needy. …..Melania Trump speaks 5 languages and has a structural engineers license and does architecture as well. She has her own business to run but she still goes to many of Donald Trumps rallys! She doesn’t need to stabd up for suggested infidelities by Trump because all except a verbal fantasy are proven to be lies.
Mr. Philpot, it’s time you do your homework and do not rely on the mass media to indoctrinate you! All mass media is connected to Obama or the Clinton Foundation.
If Obama was not a groomed political and actually had to earn his place in the world, he’d probably working for Trump cleaning floors. Your points lack validity and insight. Do you know why Trump showed a near $bil loss? Do you know that successful companies use bankruptcy as a tool to actually grow wealth? Lol educate yourself and stop regurgitating other idiots chatter.
Trump Foundation Records?
Trump’s TAXES?
Trump’s Medical Records?
Trump’s Criminal Records?
Compare both of them side by side…..