Nobody should have expected the Clintons to retire to wherever and enjoy the rest of their years as private citizens. These are people who are driven to positions of power. The loss of the presidency was obviously the most devastating loss the Clintons have ever experienced, having effectively ended their years in public office. Another happy result of that election is that Mr. Soros just threw untold millions of his own money and of the groups he sponsored down the drain of a failed campaign. He couldn’t elect Hillary and he couldn’t even flip the Senate.
These people were defeated, but they have not been banished from public life. Not by a long-shot. Without taking even a week to lick their wounds and re-group, they are back on the attack. One example is the Soros-funded protests against Trump’s victory. But another project they have initiatied is even more ominous.
More on page two.
I know how it works. Prayers never hurt and if that’s my choice I’ll pray.
It will be a war then !
This article is truly scary and should be read by everyone.
The DNC used to say that Soros was not in charge even though he proclaimed himself their God. Now its out in the open and Hillary is even proud to be his puppet.
i’m sorry but someone needs to take these terrorists out, why are we as a nation putting up with this from a former$#%&!@*follower and a criminal get rid of them russia kicked this$#%&!@*fanatic out why can’t we
They can’t get away with this. The American people would cause a revolt! No way would we allow Killary near The White House…. I am sure Soros is in on it! They all make me sick! Too bad, I don’t think anything will change! Go Trump!
lock their damn asses up now-arrest them for treason against this country. when Trump gets in there at least our military will get to do their jobs.
I need to lock these two evil bastards up
QUETION: What liberal(s) would support a Soros candidate and have that candidate in his pocket? NOW TELL ME HOW AMERICAN YOU ARE!
You can’t fix stupid