Clinton and Soros Respond to Trump Victory with “Purple Revolution”

Unable to appoint a contingent of Marxists, socialists, left-wing extremists, and globalists to positions of power in the next US administration because of the historic victory of Donald Trump, the Clintons, along with backers such as George Soros, have already implemented their Plan B:  Stage a “Purple Revolution” in the US.

What does this monstrosity entail?  Simple. Clinton, Soros, and their associates wish to co-opt the Trump administration by proposing the “bipartisanship” that they themselves would never allow in a Democratic administration.  Hence the “Purple Revolution” as a mix of blue and red.  It’s sickening, and Trump must refuse to play their game.

Recall that Hillary is as much of a neocon warmonger as she is a liberal.  So there were elements within the George W. Bush administration with whom she actually had a lot in common. One of those commonalities is a compulsion to use the US government to force a globalist New World Order such that no nation can prevent the US government from establishing hegemony over the whole world.  Which means that these maniacs have Russia and China, among other nations, directly in their sights.

Confirmed neocons such as Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, John Bolton, James Baker, Michael Chertoff, and the gang from the former “Project for a New American Century” are all people who should be excluded from a Trump Administration.

Neocon sources are already proposing John Bolton as an ideal secretary of state.  He’s ideal only if you wish to see young Americans perpetually involved in foreign wars of aggression.  Maybe John could even succeed where Hillary and Obama failed:  starting a war with nuclear-armed Russia.

Here’s a closer look at this Purple Revolution.

Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.

The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.

Globalism is the goal of George Soros and he will use any people and any tactics that will advance his cause.  He’ll also deploy his assets to block Trump’s stated goals of rolling back the damage that Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton caused over the past eight years.

Just say “no” to neocons:

America’s globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military «experts» opposed Trump’s candidacy, Trump is «required» to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such «experts» among Trump’s inner circle of advisers. Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush’s White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump’s White House team. There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump’s senior- and middle-level positions.

This quote sums things up perfectly:

Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration.

One quick way to make progress on that front is to exclude from consideration anyone who had any connection to the George W. Bush administration.

President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset.

Trump’s a very tough guy who staked out very specific positions.  He has a huge contingent of die-hard supporters.  One of his first acts should be to tell Soros, Clinton, Bush, and all the neocons to go to hell.

Source:  ZeroHedge



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