So, Hillary Clinton, her press secretaries, and her lawyer are all claiming that they are “cooperating with the investigation by the FBI into her email server issues”
Like Pinocchio, they are all very wooden in their demeanor, all seem to have growing noses, and all wish they could be real people. Find out more about the puppets on the next page.
Didn’t Rumsfeld and Cheney get caught shredding do$#%&!@*ents for Bush?
Wrong ! jail !
Well for one thing she is running for President.
Not a valid reason. The fact that she IS a lying, murdering, traitorous skank who deserves to be in prison or swinging from a rope should automatically eliminate the possibility of her holding ANY public office. Ever.
jail time
You mean wipe, like with a cloth?
she looks great in orange….she needs to go to prison
Nail her.
Ya think? She knows where the line is but crosses it always.Ill not forget Bengazi