You would like to think that there are at least a few areas that are out of bounds even when launching the most aggressive of political attacks. One would be an opponent’s children. You can think of others. It’s just a matter of decency that regardless of how viciously you plan to attack your political opponent, there are certain places that you just don’t go.
In fact, the people should enforce something of a collective censure when someone does something like that. In most cases, litigation is not a possible or suitable remedy, and you certainly do not want to stoop the attacker’s level by responding in kind. Nevertheless, there are those individuals who are willing to go where no one should in an attempt to land a political blow. One such example is on page two.
I really hope this puke runs across a Spec Ops troop or 2 !!
You are the idiot.
Muslim ????
I can’t wait to hear your lenders are repossessing everything you have you self centered little p**s ant !
You deserved to be fired for your comment and worse !
To all the scumbags that critic ed her,walked in her shoes for one day to find out how it feels, oops I forgot y’all scumbags don’t have any feelings! Michael Moore,Bill Maher & the rest of you can go suck Killary dirty toes!
well the SOB was FIRED HA HA HA ….
Will definitely NOT vote for him for reelection
The fucker wont even make 1 week in training. We made assholes like that p**s blood in 3 days, calling for their mommys.. Ret. Luit. Special opps
Every day that a travel ban from dangerous countries is not implemented is a day where a clear and present danger to our National security exists.
When Trump did not sign the executive order for a new travel ban because he wanted to let the country soak in the political victory from an emotionally charged state of the Union address, I realized that he was more interested in manipulating us then protecting us.
What happened to high road? This is lowest!! It’s in the ditch..