In order to deal with what Hillary Clinton calls this nation’s “fun deficit,” the former Secretary of State stated in a recent speech that Americans need to be checked into ‘fun camps’ for re-education.
“As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults. And we need adults camps that you all run. Really. None of the serious stuff. None of the life-challenging stuff… more fun. I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids but also for the rest of us. We need some [garbled] from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors. Maybe actually spending time with people that we didn’t know before,” Hillary stated.
Shelby FEMA camps are : Federal Extermination Mass Annihilation !!! Camps
How about putting you in a work camp behind barbed wire Hil!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm……. the name Adolf comes to mind an we all know how that worked out GO TRUMP!!!!!
Put her in a camp. It’s called prison.
Larry you’re a sick person !!!
She used fun camps in place of what she really meant ,,, concentration camps….
If our healthcare didn’t cost so much we could afford to go have fun
Folks: Listen carefully. This is utterly important!
2016 is an unprecedented election year.
People are very angry at Washington nowadays, They feel that they were short changed and failed by politicians in Washington for too long.
Therefore, there are two huge movements running for POTUS to change the Washington.
One and earlier from the Left was led by acclaimed Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, then he succumbed to his Democratic Party establishment nominee: veteran insider Hillary Clinton.
The other from the Right led by an outsider, businessman Donald Trump, under assumed Republican Party, but the party establishment refuse to acknowledge him.
Weird enough, both have flaw characters and flaw careers. One is career insider, the other one is never being in elected office outsider. One of them will be your president.
But, November 8, the set election day, is only less than two weeks away.
No matter what, you should vote. Vote for the future of your country, yourself, your family, your children and children to come.
Here is the last stretch! On November 8, when you walk into your voting booth, you ought to think and truthfully ask yourself about these:
Were you better off in last 8 years?
Did you feel your neighborhood safer in last 8 years? Are Law and Order compromised?
Do you think our religious freedom have been deliberately suppressed, mocked and infringed which is essential and fundamental in your individual and family lives?
Do you think our country is misled and heading toward a wrong direction?
Our constitution is still being upheld and respected?
Are our youngsters under-educated, least-informed, ill-indoctrinated, lack of skills in real life?
Was our nation’s racial relation better during last 8 years?
Do you think our military service men and women, our veterans are neglected, law enforcement abused, helps to poor and needy failed miserably?
Is it morally wrong to rob our senior citizens their healthcare and retirement Social Security?
Your healthcare has been robbed, mismanaged and out of reach?
Is OK to break the law and come into our country illegally? Should we allow and welcome people who want to kill us into our country?
Do we have respect of the foreign nations and their people?
Do you think the Tax, Spend and Wasteful government over burden you? Make you helpless, hopeless? National debt is out of whack?
Do you think that politicians in Washington have established a gang of reign that have been out of touch with common people? Are they out for themselves’ interests and benefits? Behave as if they are above the laws arrogantly, defiantly? They live like they are untouchable bunch of royals?
Do you think the politicians in Washington play semantic games of deception, misinformation with you, manipulate your heart and mind but deliver less with their promises?
Do you feel that your voices are not being heard but instead being held in contempt?
Then, your mission is to change Washington, to break their gangster networks.
Don’t let the MSM and talking heads fool you otherwise. They and Washington are closely related. They are not on your side.
Forget about the media dramatized bickering, mud-slinging, he said she said sideline shows.
Since people are so upset by the career politicians in Washington. It’s better to have an outsider who is willing to be a voice of people, who has a heart for the country to do the job than a plumply, wickedly enriched, power and money hungry, scandal ridden insider.
Therefore, your ultimate choice is to vote for Donald Trump/Mike Pence.
To make a really needed change!
If you don’t agree with me, I have nothing more to say.
But if you agree, please share with like minded family and friends.
And her goofy$#%&!@*should be the first one in the fun camp